
A Conversation with Dr. Ali Mohammed

Dr. Ali Mohammad - Nicknamed as the Pride of Africa in Qatar, Dr. Ali Mohammad, a Harvard Alumni, CEO of the Power Bank, Qatar discusses the geo-politics of the Gulf States and the strategic and critical role Qatar, an ally of the USA, that houses the US base in Qatar, plays in balancing out the diverse and yet similar interests. Qatar, a small country, but one of the wealthiest by per capita income, has served as a key partner in sensitive negotiations with the Taliban and Iran and maintains close relations with Israel. How does Qatar view itself and navigate relations with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States? Join us for a candid conversation.

Mr. Bawa Jain - Bawa Jain is a visionary leader in the interfaith movement and a pioneer of religious diplomacy. After working closely on the Millennium World Peace Summit with the office of the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Jain committed his life to finding ways that the worldwide religious and spiritual communities can work together as interfaith allies with the United Nations on specific peace, poverty and environmental initiatives.

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